AIM Articles -> AIM SysOp
The true AIM SysOp is AIM 1.75.563. I have seen a version of AIM 3.0 claiming to be a newer AIM SysOp. From the one I downloaded, it is just AIM 3.0 with the AIM 1.75.563 SysOp files. You Can Not Suspend with this. I have included a document that I wrote that contains all of the commands for AIM Sysop. The HTML table is below. Click Here to download the Text version.

Note: To get to the Oscar Console, open AIM 1.75.563 and right click on the try icon. Select Oscar Console.

AOL Instant Messenger v1.75.563 - Oscar Console Commands
Written By: Xak
Written On: March/April 2002
Written For: &
Last Modified: Sunday, April 07, 2002
Websites: |
E-Mail: |
Version: 1.05
Description: This document is a full list of the commands available for the
 Oscar Command Console included in AIM 1.75.563. This will include the most
 detailed descriptions possible. These commands have been pulled by myself
 from the Console.ocm file.

Command Name: Config
Command Description: Import and Export Buddy List.
Command Syntax:
Config Import
Config Export

Command Name: OM
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: OM Send [Expected OM Type]

Command Name: Invite
Command Description: Sends an E-Mail to the user describing the AOL Instant
 Messenger Service. Custom Messages may be included. Just type 'Invite' to
 make the window appear.
Command Syntax: Invite

Command Name: LookUp
Command Description: Just type 'LookUp' to make the window appear.
Command Syntax: LookUp

Command Name: Log
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: Log Open [Expected File Name, Log Manager Opened Instead]

Command Name: Timer
Command Description: Lists Active Timers, Max Active Timers, Short Timers,
 and Long Timers.
Command Syntax: Timer Stats

Command Name: Trace
Command Description: Turns tracing of Commands On/Off. 'Trace' lists if the
 Commands are turned On or Off.
Command Syntax:
Trace All
Trace General
Trace Buddy
Trace BOS
Trace ODL
Trace OM
Trace NickDB
Trace Log
Trace LookUp
Trace Invite
Trace Proto
Trace Admin
Trace Advert
Trace Chat
Trace ODir
Trace Stats

Command Name: Cache
Command Description: View/Set the Cache limit for different things.
Command Syntax:
Cache MaxSize ButtonColors
Cache MaxSize Font
Cache MaxSize ArtWork

Command Name: Prefs
Command Description: Shows the Preferences Window.
Command Syntax: Prefs

Command Name: CTLGroup
Command Description: Control Group Window shows when new Windows show.
Command Syntax: CTLGroup Monitor

Command Name: Icon
Command Description: Edit settings for the Tray Icon.
Command Syntax:
Icon Add *Add Console Icon To Rotation*
Icon Delete *Delete Console Icon From Rotation*
Icon Tip <"ToolTip"> *Set the Tool Tip*
Icon Interval *Set Tray Icon Interval* (1000 = 1 Second)

Command Name: PopUp
Command Description: A window is shown with your Message.
Command Syntax: PopUp Display

Command Name: Chat
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax:
Chat Req_Chat_Rights
Chat Req_Exchange_Info
Chat Req_Room_Info
Chat Req_Occupant_List
Chat Create_Room
Chat Join_Room
Chat MSG_ToHost [/whisper ScreenName]
Chat Dump

Command Name: ICBM
Command Description: Instant Message yourself from any Screen Name.
Command Syntax:
ICBM DumpParams [Expected Channel Number]
ICBM EvilRequest
ICBM MSGToClient <"ScreenName">
ICBM MSGToHost <"ScreenName"> *Seems To Crash Client*

Command Name: PIM
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: PIM [Expected PIM Command]

Command Name: BOS
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax:
BOS Idle
BOS Mask [Class Mask: Damned_Transient Administrator AOL Oscar_Pay Oscar_Free]
BOS Permit <"ScreenName">

Command Name: Stealth
Command Description: Temporarily makes you appear Offline.
Command Syntax: Stealth

Command Name: Buddy
Command Description: Lets you modify you Buddy List from the Console.
Command Syntax:
Buddy Show *Shows Buddy List*
Buddy Enter <"ScreenName"> *Simulates Buddy Signing On*
Buddy Exit <"ScreenName"> *Simulates Buddy Signing Off*
Buddy Change <"ScreenName"> *Simulates Buddy Signing Off*
Buddy Add <"GroupName"> <"ScreenName"> *Adds Screen Name To Group*
Buddy Add_Group <"GroupName"> *Adds Specified Group*
Buddy Delete <"GroupName"> <"ScreenName"> *Deletes Screen Name From Group*
Buddy Delete_Group <"GroupName"> *Deletes Specified Group*
Buddy List <"GroupName"> *Lists Buddies In Specified Group*
Buddy List_Groups *Lists Groups*

Command Name: SubAlloc
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: SubAlloc

Command Name: MEM
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: MEM

Command Name: Type
Command Description: Displays specified file in Console.
Command Syntax: Type [File Name]

Command Name: Edit
Command Description: Opens specified file in Notepad.
Command Syntax: Edit [File Name]

Command Name: Run
Command Description: Runs *.CCF Files.
Command Syntax: Run [File Name]

Command Name: Modules
Command Description: Lists running Modules.
Command Syntax: Modules

Command Name: Kill
Command Description: Closes specified Module.
Command Syntax: Kill [Module Name]

Command Name: Unload_Inactive
Command Description: Unloads Inactive Modules.
Command Syntax: Unload_Inactive

Command Name: Unload_All
Command Description: Unloads All Modules. *NOT RECOMMENDED*
Command Syntax: Unload_All

Command Name: Unload
Command Description: Unloads specified Module.
Command Syntax: Unload [Module Name]

Command Name: Load
Command Description: Loads specified Module.
Command Syntax: Load [Module Name]

Command Name: ODL
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: ODL

Command Name: Nick
Command Description: Displays Screen Name without Casing and Spaces.
Command Syntax: Nick <"ScreenName">

Command Name: Global_Edit
Command Description: For 16 Bit Windows. (Windows 3.1)
Command Syntax: Global_Edit [Command Unavailable Under Win32 (Use REGEDIT)]

Command Name: User_Edit
Command Description: For 16 Bit Windows. (Windows 3.1)
Command Syntax: User_Edit [Command Unavailable Under Win32 (Use REGEDIT)]

Command Name: User_Delete
Command Description: Deletes Screen Name from Sign On screen.
Command Syntax: User_Delete <"Screen Name">

Command Name: User_List
Command Description: Lists Screen Names saved.
Command Syntax: User_List

Command Name: User
Command Description: Lists Current User and Home Directory.
Command Syntax: User

Command Name: Setup
Command Description: Set the Font and Colors for the Console.
Command Syntax:
Setup Font *Select Console Font*
Setup Background_Color *Select Console Background Color*
Setup Prompt_Color *Select Console Prompt Color*
Setup Output_Color *Select Console Output Color*

Command Name: Sleep
Command Description: Console Sleeps For X Milliseconds. (1000 = 1 Second)
Command Syntax: Sleep

Command Name: Echo
Command Description: Displays your Message in the Console.
Command Syntax: Echo <"Message">

Command Name: UnAlias
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: UnAlias <"Word1">

Command Name: Alias
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown.
Command Syntax: Alias <"Word1"> <"Word2">

Command Name: Help
Command Description: Console.txt is missing. *If You Have This, E-Mail Me!*
Command Syntax: Help

Command Name: Break
Command Description: Full Commands Unknown. *Seems To Crash Client*
Command Syntax: Break

Command Name: SetSize
Command Description: Sets amount of lines the Console can hold.
Command Syntax: SetSize

Command Name: DBWin
Command Description: Shows the Debug Window.
Command Syntax: DBWin

Command Name: CLS
Command Description: Clears Console.
Command Syntax: CLS

Command Name: Quit
Command Description: *Seems To Crash Client*
Command Syntax: Quit

Command Name: Exit
Command Description: Closes Console.
Command Syntax: Exit

Command Name: Console
Command Description: Opens a new Console.
Command Syntax: Console

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